Welcome! I’m Naďa, a passionate family and wedding photographer based in beautiful city of Prague.
Specializing in lifestyle photography, I have a keen eye for capturing the essence of light and laughter, weaving them seamlessly into timeless moments.
For me, photography is more than just clicking a button; it’s about making connections and creating authentic experiences.
I pride myself on building genuine relationships with my clients, ensuring that every session is not just a photoshoot, but a memorable journey filled with laughter and warmth.
Quality and style in every shot
“Dear Naďa… when our wedding coordinator said… ‘we need to get Naďa for the photoshoot,’ I thought, okay:).. I didn’t know that a friend would already show up at our wedding… the pre-wedding shoot was like a stroll in your garden… the initial stress of what awaited us, you dismantled with your personality in just a few minutes… as we left, we said to ourselves, was that really a professional photoshoot? We were just chatting and laughing :) … and at the wedding? We didn’t even know how your photos were being taken… You were such a natural part of everything that we almost forgot you were creating memories for us… and when they came… we didn’t understand that you were actually everywhere and yet somehow invisible… you captured all those moments extremely sensitively… and I will never stop being grateful for that… Today, I understand what it means to have Naďa for a photoshoot… it’s a PRIVILEGE… a GIFT… and we are happy that we didn’t just get Naďa for the photoshoot but also for life.
“Crème de la Crème, or the best that the wedding market has to offer. That’s exactly what we heard about Nada Rehová, and that’s exactly what was confirmed for us. Every photo by Nada is a masterpiece, and in each one, I feel beautiful. As every woman confirms, it’s almost impossible with nearly a thousand photos. We have a wonderful memory that will not only be associated with memories of our wedding day, but also with the great people who helped us spin it, and rightly so. If you decide on Nada, an elegant lady will come, who, without you even knowing how, will create a relaxed atmosphere and kindly tell you what and how to do it so that your photos look like they’re from a magazine.”
“Dear Nada,
We would like to thank you not only for being a part of our big day, but also for being the amazing photographer and person you are. Your photos are truly beautiful, full of emotions, and we cannot get enough of them. Thanks to them, we keep returning to our wedding day and reminiscing about how perfect it was.
We are very glad that we chose you, because you really captured all the beautiful moments of our day. Thank you for everything, and I hope we haven’t seen each other for the last time.”
Dear Nada,
Thank you so much for the beautiful photos. They brought us immense joy and deeply touched us. They beautifully capture us, our emotions, as well as our family and loved ones. Once again, we would like to thank you for being a part of our big day. The photo session with you was an amazing and fun experience that we will fondly remember with love. Our wedding guests also praised you highly. You fitted in among them as if you had always been a part of our family and friends circle. We are confident that some of us will gladly utilize your services when planning their own weddings.
Nejmilejší Naďo, chtěli bychom ti s Péťou ze srdce poděkovat za to, ze jsi strávila náš den s námi a díky tvým fotografiím ho můžeme prožívat znovu a znovu.
Chteli bychom ti moc poděkovat za to, jak jsi lidská, milá a přitom profesionální. Předsvatební foceni a focení v den svatby bylo pro mě nejoblibenější částí příprav a svatby a věřím, že i pro Petra, naši rodinu i přátele. Z fotek vyzařuje přesně ten moment, který jsme v tu danou chvili cítili, láska a naprostá přirozenost. Každé nevěstě bych přála Nad’u, protože jsme viděli spoustu svatebních galerií, ale tvoje fotky, laskavost a pristup nás naprosto okouzlil.
Nevynecháš žádný detail a emoci. Při prohlížení fotek nemáme vzpominku jen na ten okamžik, ale i na tebe a jak jsme se s tebou vyjimečně cítili. Tésime se až spolu budeme fotit další etapy, které nás v životě čekají. Máme Tě rádi.
I look at our wedding photos every day and I am grateful to Naďa for creating the most beautiful memories for us. The magic of the whole day and our happiness shine through in every picture, allowing us to relive the most beautiful day of our lives. I must say, Nada was the best choice, and even Jan, who usually hates being photographed, enjoyed the session. I wish every bride could have Nada as their photographer. She is one of the most pleasant and professional people we had at our wedding. And I already know that for our next big milestone, we will want Nada with us again.
Milá Nadi, těžko hledáme slov, jak popsat naše pocity ze svatebních fotografií. Náš den si pamatujeme jako krásný a plný radosti, ale tvoje fotky tomu dali ještě úplně jiný rozměr. Přesně nám sedli do stylu a celou svatbu krásně dokreslily. Mě navíc pomohly vyplnit mezery, které si z nervozity nepamatuji. Speciální dík posílám za naprosto boží fotky našich malých svatebčanů. Musíš být tak trošku kouzelnice, že jsou na fotkách veselí, opravdoví, ale zároveň jako z katalogu. Za co ale musíme poděkovat úplně nejvíce je tvoje společnost a přístup. Nejenom my nejsme na pózování zvyklí, ale i naši hosté měli z fotografování obavy. Ale naše společné focení si pamatujeme jako skvělý, naprosto přirozený a hlavně zábavný zážitek a naši přátelé si teď nedokáží vybrat, jaká fotka se jim líbí víc. Celý den za námi chodili, že máme skvělou a moc milou fotografku, což pomohlo dokresit atmosféru svatby a především odbourat nervozitu. Slovy mého novomanžela, kdybychom to měli shrnout prakticky, tak Ty jsi byla naše bezkonkurenčně neilepší svatební investice a za rozhodnuti vvbrat si zrovna Tebe jsme neivíce rádi. Ještě jednou za všechno mnohokrát děkujeme, moc doufám,že jsme se neviděli naposledy.